As a child I looked forward to joining my father at the breakfast table.  We had a routine and it was pretty simple.  He would get my breakfast for me while we watched Sports Center and I would scan through the basketball or baseball box scores to see how my favorite players were doing, who had a big night, and who put up a stinker.

Those days are long gone, along with the popularity newspapers once held in society.  People all over the world used to wait for the 5 o’clock news to come on to get their news or they would stop at a news stand to get a paper on the way to work.  Now, everything and anything you could possibly need to know is available to you at the click of a button.

With today’s new developments in technology and with the recent outburst in social media platforms, news can be obtained on the go using your smartphone or tablet.  Social media outlets such as twitter or Facebook are continuously becoming more popular when it comes to sharing news.  Twitter can turn any regular Joe-shmo into a “citizen journalist” and gives them the opportunity to live tweet events or share a breaking news story that they happened to witness.  Facebook connects millions of people who all post, repost and share articles, breaking news, videos etc. with each other, which helps spread news more quickly.

Newspapers have one foot in the grave and sure magazines are alright, but subscriptions can be viewed on your phone as well as on a computer thanks to their websites.  Words on paper are a thing of the past thanks to technology.

In my opinion, the future of journalism is bright. When it comes to technology, the sky is the limit, and technological advances have been tremendous for journalism as a whole, thus far. Modern day technology and social media outlets have made it near impossible to not stay somewhat informed in today’s society.